My name is linda UNNUR oscarson strong.Welcome to my world ! click on photos to enlarge

Thursday, January 31, 2013


I will be attaching these little jewels after the paint . I made these with crystals and baking clay .

Mixed media project

I glued red yarn onto it . Now I will add some black and white paint to the sides of the yarn . Black on left , white on right .

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Done playing with circles !

I like how this shimmers and changes depending on the angle you look at it . The camera doesn't pick that up . But I love how my camera picks up the details . Not sure what I want to do with this .

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fun with Circles

I am using ventricular sheet cut into circles and stitched on . This material is hard to find and expensive ! But I love how it changes colors and patterns according to the angle you are seeing it from . This is 12 inches wide . 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Orange flowers

Rayon and metallic threads , 8 inches .

ok , one last photo

Im finally finished with this one ..... " Only a Dream ." It will be another centerpiece for some canvas later on .

Recycle those nasty cig boxes

Taped together and covered with paper mache . It must be layered heavily for strength . Im experimenting with this one , who knows what it will become ? I like the overall texture . The more I add to this , the heavier it will become . I hope it doesnt end up weighing a ton ! Hmmmmm !