My name is linda UNNUR oscarson strong.Welcome to my world ! click on photos to enlarge

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Red flower frame in progress.....

Ive blended some red metallic threads around the edges and will be adding some beads later.

Pen drawing

My favorite time of the year!

Time for a break......

It seems like my left shoulder/arm injury is catching up with my right shoulder these days. Its hard to sit and stitch for very long....
and is worsening by the day. Im afraid I wont be able to lift my arm at all if this continues! Here is a pic of some decorated bottles and such, that ive done.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

July in progress

This is what ive come up with so far. I whitewashed the black bird and used red , white, and black threads. The center circle is foiled and surrounded by white and metallic threads.It is done on faded jean material.It is difficult to see the beadwork in this sorry about that...more later....!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

" Enigma " 2010

Wow.. I finally finished this one after almost three years.. Its basically a thread painting without any kind of beadwork. I made the UFO from metallic foil and metal material. Its quite big, 24" x 24".